Products>The Art of War

The Art of War

ISBN: 9781480477032


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The world’s most influential treatise on strategy

Mao Zedong used it to defeat Chiang Kai-shek. Colin Powell thinks every US soldier should be familiar with its principles. New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick built a football dynasty out of lessons learned within its pages. Even Gordon Gekko and Tony Soprano are fans.

In the twenty-five hundred years since it was composed, The Art of War has been applied to just about every field of human endeavor. Sun Tzu’s shrewd advice is indispensible to anyone seeking to gain an advantage over an opponent.
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Contents
  • I
  • II
  • III
  • IV
  • V
  • VI
  • VII
  • VIII
  • IX
  • X
  • XI
  • XII
  • XIII
  • Copyright
“Absorb this book, and you can throw out all those contemporary books about management leadership.” —Newsweek

Product Details

  • Title : The Art of War
  • Authors:
    • Tzu, Sun
    • Giles, Lionel
  • Publisher: Open Road Media
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9781480477032
Sun Tzu is thought to have been a military general and adviser to the king of the southern Chinese state of Wu during the sixth century BCE. Although some modern scholars have called his authorship into doubt, the world’s most influential and enduring treatise on military strategy, The Art of War, bears his name.

Lionel Giles (1875–1958) was a British scholar and translator best known for his translations of The Art of War and The Analects of Confucius


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