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Try searching for The Junior Astrologers Handbook a Kids Guide to Astrological Signs the Zodiac and More, or check out these recommended products:

Circle Of Friends Cookbook: 25 Slow Cooker Recipes
Slow-cookers are perfect for our busy lives. Enjoy Easy Chili Rellenos, Vickie's Shredded Chicken Sandwiches, JoAnn's Country Corn Pudding, Triple Chocolate Cake and more!
Hinduism, TM, and Hare Krishna
In the sixties, Transcendental Meditation, a Hindu-based movement, became fashionable as a way to therapy and psychological well-being -- especially after being endorsed by the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Its influence waned, ironically, after the courts decided that TM was a religion rather than a form of therapy, as TM had claimed. But its popularity helped open the doors to a wider acceptance of Eastern philosophy and religions in mainstream America. Another Americanized form of Hinduism is
Jehovah's Witnesses
The zeal and dedication of Jehovah's Witnesses mask a highly disciplined organization that has a troubled history. Moreover, their thorough knowledge of their own scriptures gives a pretense of having spiritual truth. The movement has grown from about 1.1 million worldwide in 1965 to 4.4 million today. Yet all is not what it seems in the Watchtower Society. How do the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses run counter to orthodox Christianity? What drives adherents to give hundreds of hours a ye
Buddhism: Buddhism, Taoism and Other Far Eastern Religions
In the second half of the twentieth century, the failure of Enlightenment rationalism and the spiritual bankruptcy of Western materialism have opened the door for Eastern religions, especially the nontheistic religions that promise enlightenment and peace of mind. Any major bookstore today has copies of the I Ching, the Tao Te Ching, and books on Taoism, Zen, and other forms of Buddhism. This volume and the volume on Hinduism in this series together present a comprehensive overview of Eastern
With their strong emphasis on traditional family values, education, discipline, and service, Mormons sound and look more "Christian" than many believers. At first glance, there seems to be little to criticize in what they say or do. But peel back the façade, and you find a cult with its roots in immorality and heresy. The story of the Mormon Church is one of in-fighting, racism, polygamy, and violence. Often, even the members of the group don’t know the full truth about either the history or t
Circle of Friends: 25 One Pot Dinners
It doesn't get any easier than a one-pot meal, so we've gathered 25 of our best-tasting, tried & true recipes for those busy nights when time is short, tummies are rumbling and no one wants to do dishes!
Astrology and Psychic Phenomena
Astrology, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, spiritism, psychic healing, palm reading, and old fashioned fortune telling (now called psychic consulting) -- all these are popular in America today. Psychic hotlines are heavily represented on television, with testimonials to their amazing ability to give people accurate details about their past and predictions about their future. Are psychics indeed gifted with supernatural powers? Andre Kole and Terry Holley show convincingly how the success of these a
Goddess Worship, Witchcraft, and Neo-Paganism
The twentieth century has seen a remarkable revival of "the Old Religion," as adherents of New-paganism call the native religious traditions of Europe and tribal traditions from North America that predated Christianity. Many neo-pagan groups identify with Celtic (Druidic), Egyptian, Native American, Norse, or Roman traditions; others with modern science-fiction motifs; and still others with witchcraft. Neo-paganism is occultic in nature. A central figure in much of Neo-paganism is the Mother G